The long waiting

Now (26.9.) we are already for 3 weeks in Australia, are still sitting in our little tent and travelling by bus…Normally we should have received our car one week after arrival of the ship, that means the 18th of September.
Responsable are the officers of customs and quarantine – they feel overworked and underpaid and therefore went into strike just right now. At least, the papers have been checked and stamped, only the inspection of the car by customs and quarantine has to be done. Hopefully somebody stoops to admire our car soon – if possible without additional cleaning!

In the meantime, we got to know all attractions (all which can be imposed to children…) of Brisbane and surroundings. After the obligatory visits to the beach and Southbank (see the blog at the beginning) with our two mermaids, the “UnderWaterWorld”, playgrounds, parks and forests and hills close to the city we went to the “Australia Zoo”. The main attractions of this zoo are certainly the Australian animals (including shows with parrots, birds of prey, snakes and crocodile), but there are also animals from Asia, Africa and America.

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They demonstrated the reaction of a crocodile if someone steps into water: they have vibration sensors wich enable them to feel the movements and they move fast and smart and it is hardly possible to see them from outside the water.
The good side-effect was that we learned some rules concerning the green giants:
– suppose the presence of crocodiles till proven otherwise by locals
– never swim
– do not approach to water more than 5 meters
– do not lean over water (they jump!)
– camping only more than 200m away from water

Another trip lead us to some children attractions in Surfers Paradise (School holidays in Queensland). Now we as parents are updated about the newest hits like “Bananas in pyjamas” and the “Minions”.


On September 26th, we watched the “Riverfire” as closure of they Brisbane Festival (when we read about that date some weeks ago, we were hoping to already be deep in the outback…now we “had” to see it). It was a 30-minute extraordinary firework including the scenery of the city. The skyscrapers threw out the most colorful sparks and the bridges were blazing in a rain of thousands of lights.

The whale-watching tour on the 27.9. at the sunshine coast (Mooloolaba) was a highlight of these first weeks. For our children, it was the first time on a ship on the sea. Especially Nora did not like the rocking on the waves and panicked. Thanks to animations with play dough, a plastic whale and the first steps to the railing, she could also enjoy the trip and look for whales. Fiona tolerated the rocking better and calmed down faster despite the contagious crying of her sister.
Wir saw several water giants even with their “babies” (who already weigh 1-2 tons and drink 600 liters of milk per day). Once a whale jumped out and splashed back into water with a high fountain. The photos are not ours but those of the crew of the ship (

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We watched the recently released movie “Blinky Bill” with our children (Blinky Bill is an old story about a little Koala, Fiona had so much compassion with him that she started crying during the movie). In the “Curumbin Wildlife Sanctuary” (home of Blinky Bill) we saw again some shows and animal feedings (pelicans, eels, birds).

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On the 28th our car was released from the container, inspected by customs and quarantine and considered as too dirty. After recleaning the car was finally released from quarantine on September 30th.
After paying the steep bill for cleaning, storage (we finance the officers’ strike) and lots of charges we can finally pick up the car on October 1st.
We will straight away head  into the desert (planed is the plenty highway towards Alice Springs), there will soon be summer here and then it is getting too hot!

Arrival and Start in Brisbane

After our last appartement in Switzerland was finally emptied, the walls painted (thanks to our litte pigs who have messed them up!) und the cleaning was finished in the last second, our flight legt from Frankfurt the 31.08.2015.
Among the 70kg luggage in total, there was a small tent, inflatable matresses, sleeping bags – and the forgotten sandplates (weighing alone 14 kg). Nora and Fiona were proud of drawing their own little suitcases – and we had less to carry!
The transfer in Singapore was quite relaxing thanks to a big indoor-playfround (for the children) and free internet (for us) and with the electronic visum, the formalities at the airport in Australia were quick. Only Noras backpack had to be inspected: the do galt the customs detected the smell of waffles and sausage of grand-mothers foodpack.

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Because of the amount of luggage, we paid for the luxury of a taxi to the camping site. After putting up our tent, we made a short trip to the city centre before we fell asleep due to our jetlag and the 30 hrs (in total, including the train to the airport in Germany) of travelling.
The following days we spent by exploring the city and the surroundings as far as possible with public transport (fortunately, Brisbane has a good net of Busses, trains and ferry boats in the city).

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One of the first trips was to the “Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary” where our princesses could watching the Koalas climbing and eating, feed kangoroos and they could pat a koala sitting on Noras lap while a photo was taken.

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Another day, we Sent to the “UndsrWaterWorld” in Mooloolaba where we were admiring colourfulfish and other creatures living in the sea.

Close to the office of the shipping compagny who organized the transport of our car, we could put our feet for the first time into the ocean and children loved playing in the waves on the beach. They also loved the artificial beach at “South Bank” in the centre of Brisbane where we went several times.

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We also used the waiting time for the car for some paper work and the preparation of insurances, also the papers of the car had to be translated and accepted by the Traffic departement.

Some day, we moved to antobet campsite which was nicer and more quite, the Most Importanz thing for our children : it had a playground! Because we had neither chairs nor tables and only minimal kitchen equipment, we were happy the the campgroungs had a fully equippped kitchen with chairs and tables as well as a gas stove, a microwave and a fridge!

On september 11th at 1.40pm “our” shipping entered the harbourof Brisbane (we were following it online). Two hours later, we were also in the harbour and we could really see it and observe how some containers were offloaded. Unfortunately only from far away due to the security restrictions…
